So it is 2011 and I am already preparing myself for a new year of productivity. Having stayed in Los Angeles for the holidays, I had a lot more time to think about where I am and where I want to be in this coming year. One thing I noticed was my perspective as a professional actor has got to change. It is less about hoping to be chosen for a role and more about what steps can I be taking to make my being hired the inevitable choice.
It was a smart move to start viewing seeing myself as the CEO of my life and career as it has me thinking in new ways and taking actions I had resisted or never thought of doing before. I started with making a spreadsheet of all my assets and debts from student loan to credit card balances to new credit union accounts. It was a concrete reality check that made creating a personal budget and an actor's expense log useful tools in getting a firm grip on my finances. It is hard to live in financial lala land when it is all down on paper, so to speak. I have been amazing at juggling things but it was a bit of a shocker when I had to look at how much wasteful spending has filled my various statements. I am hopeful the log and budget will force me to use more restraint and think about where I want my funds to go. I need as much money to go toward acting expenses so my business moves me into the "black" so my late night 7-11 runs have come to an end.
No resolutions for the year but I do have a greater commitment to those things I started in late 2010 which with persistence will get my acting business on firm footing. Ending the year with my first tv gig in a while was a nice way to end the year and a strong motivator to make 2011 the most productive year my acting career has seen in a long time!!!