Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time To Meditate, Relax and Get Centered. But First...

It is amazing how the mind works! If you couldn't tell from my earlier posting, the energy and excitement of the approaching marathon started to get the best of me. Fortunately, when all else fails, my love of acting always intervenes to save me.

My 3pm coaching gig did for me what no amount of valium could accomplish. If I ever questioned I had a passion for acting it came through today. My client had four scenes to work on for Monday's audition and I had 3 hours to get him on the road for success. It took all of a minute for me to focus in on breaking down the scenes, mapping the physicality and charting out the emotional moments he needed to hit in each scene. Then the real work began guiding him to where he needed to go and help him find his personal relationship to the work that would make his performance uniquely his and improve his chances. While there are never any guarantees, it helps to be as prepared as possible to increase the odds in your favor. 3 hours later and I was energized, engaged and completely oblivious to what lay ahead for me in the morning.  As he was heading home he mentioned how cool he thought it was I was doing the marathon.

Bamm! I came back to earth. Immediately I raced to Sport's Chalet in Burbank to buy a new pair of coolmax socks so my feet stay as ventilated as possible. I also found a better waist belt to carry my liquids. Instead of my one bottle, I got a waist belt with a pouch for my cell phone, id, "Gu Chomps" for energy maintenance and four small bottles that I am about to fill with the coconut water I purchased for electrolyte replenishment. If all this doesn't keep my mile 13 fears at bay, nothing will.

So, now with about half an hour before I must turn in, I think I will double check my ipod to make sure I have my mood music to keep me going when my body no longer wants to dance! So much to do, so much to do! In the end it is all about having fun and feeling alive.

I don't care how long it takes me to finish, I just want to enjoy the journey and look as sexy as I can when I run through West Hollywood, who knows, my future "huuuusband" may be enjoying a mocha latte at the Abbey when suddenly he turns and sees ME and in that moment he just knows we were MEANT TO BE. The least I could do is not look like I am gasping for my last breath as I run through "Boy's Town".  Priorities, people. It is all about setting priorities! hahaha!


Did you just say I'm dreaming? Hey, I still have 20 minutes left. Uhmm... make that 15.

A little dreaming or "visualizing" the future never hurt anybody.   


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