I have decided to start documenting the homemade anti-aging skin treatments I plan to use either internally or externally. Since goal #1 is finding creative ways to incorporate more coconut into my day, lets start with a healthy and delicious coconut concoction I actually enjoy drinking.
This one I am calling my "Black Sesame Coconut Milk Nightcap."
It is pretty simple, but first let's start with the basics.
Basic Coconut Milk Recipe
3 cans of Thai coconut milk
3 cups of cold water
2-3 tablespoons of Raw honey (optional)
Mix equal parts canned Thai coconut milk with water. I just open the can and refill it with ice cold water to wash out the remaining cream. Add raw honey for additional flavor. The canned coconut alone is too rich to drink without diluting it with water. The honey compensates for the watering down.
The only downside to using the canned Thai coconut milk is that it contains Potassium Metabisulphite as a preservative. I am not at the stage where I want to make the milk from boiling and cooling fresh grated coconut milk. That will come later.
Chill the new coconut milk in your refrigrator and you are good to go!
Black Sesame-Coconut Milk Nightcap Recipe
1 cup Coconut Milk (see Basic Coconut Milk Recipe above)
2 tablespoons ground black sesame seeds
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil
Take your cup of coconut milk and simmer to a boil. In a regular coffee mug, mix your 2 tablespoons of ground black sesame seeds with 1 or 2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil. Add warm milk and stir.
It is a great replacement for my sugar filled hot chocolate. The combination of ingredients gives you a creamy rich cup of warm nutrition. The additional extra virgin coconut oil helps me meet my daily intake of this healthy oil. Black sesame is rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, proteins and fatty acids while providing a tasty nutty flavor. If you can't buy the sesame seeds ground, use your coffee grinder.
I love this drink as it satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps me from reaching for a bag of oreos.
Remember, this is my own health concoction and works for me. Give it a shot, if you like. You might like it as well!
Consuming coconut makes your skin younger,I have experienced this thanks for sharing the information ,Anti Aging Doctors also follow this
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