My blog has been silent for the last month as I have been trying to figure out what has been off within me. I have lived with a belief system that your life experiences are a reflection of where you place your thoughts. The challenge of this belief system is that I am completely responsible for the state of my life. There is no cursing God or blaming others- it all is coming from some deep rooted thought patterns that are simply not serving me well.
Now I have been pretty good at looking at my life and acknowledging the painful childhood experiences that have shaped me. However, the challenge I realize now is figuring out how to not just let go of the past but to replace the thought patterns that clearly are deeply rooted in my subconscious. The Universe has decided to give me a hand in this area. After a spontaneous search of the internet on topics of self-hypnosis and tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, I came across a "positive brainwashing program" called "UltraConfidence" that for a minimal cost provides you with a system of downloads that bombard your brain with subliminal thoughts of confidence as you listen to mini-lectures on why you are entitled to living confidently in the present. The program doesn't say anything that I haven't heard before but the power of the program is in spending about 50 minutes a day listening to the series of 6 mini-lectures and answering two sets of loaded questions whose function are to bypass your conscious mind and implant thoughts of confidence directly into your subconscious.
After a few weeks, I have to say it has been very useful at keeping me in a very positive state of mind. I am planning on making it a part of my daily routine and see where it takes me. So far, I am very optimistic. I have had recently what I can only describe as a breakthrough! I booked an acting job! I have been working for a year and a half on trying to break back into this business. I know that much of the problem has been linked with simply having the self-confidence to go for it and believe in myself. As I don't believe in coincidence, I can only conclude that the UltraConfidence has had enough of an impact to help me land my first acting job in a long time.
I trust that in time and continued focus on replacing those embedded limiting thoughts that more positive experiences will continue to manifest into my life. I had so much fun getting back onto a studio lot as a professional actor! I look forward to getting to a place of auditioning and working on a consistent basis! Thoughts have power, so I am determined to focus my thoughts firmly in the direction of my dreams.
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