Saturday, October 24, 2009

Allowing Myself to FEEL My Way to Where I Want To Go

I have been listening to a number of youtube clips of Abraham-Hicks workshops. The experience has been a wonderful example of when the student is ready the teacher will come. I have been discovering that as I am more consciously aware of how I am feeling at every moment, rather than unconsciously responding to what is coming at me in my daily life, then my life is FEELING so much more vibrant. When I am finding myself feeling negative, aware that I always have a choice, I am actually having fun moving myself to a  less negative place gradually until I am able to feel my way into a more positive space.

Deciding that I want to live as joyfully as possible everyday led me to these youtube clips, which gave me tools to actually work and live fully this way in time.  It is exciting, mainly because it feels so liberating to realize that I no longer have to remain stuck in my negativity. In the past, I found myself constantly slipping into anger or frustration or fear. My solution was to ignore the feeling and put a happy face on it. But that is not the same as realizing you have a choice in how you feel because the negative thoughts and feelings seemed like they were my reality and the happy face cover was just that a cover.

Now, my journey with these new tools I am applying is amazing, in that the reverse has now become my reality. I can see that the frustration, anger, and fear are just me disconnecting myself from the joyful flow of life that I am meant to be living daily.   


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