My birthday gift packet was a great success! My friend loved it and I know the joy I had putting it together was what helped make it special!
Today, I am hoping to go with another friend to a pre-Halloween party tonight. My only obstacle is this growing cold that has been lurking in my chest. My plan is to laugh myself to health with as much laughter and fun I can squeeze in before I go, along with as much citrus fruit I can peel and blend with a bit of Aloe Vera juice for good measure! So this is a grand experiment in the power of humor and feeling good to get me into a better feeling place.
So far, it has been working! I started out feeling pretty crappy when I woke up. With my first citrus injection, things felt ok. Dropping off the gift and its warm reception was a boost. Now, it is time to kick things into gear.
Time to get laughing!!
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