Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Staying on Course, Keeping Inspired

After getting a good night's sleep it is great to be able to realize that with all of the frustration and resistance I was made aware of in my current experience, I see that I have the power to let go of that old limiting story and move into the new story of what is working for me.

Today is the last day of my first semester with my acting class. I have grown immensely in my craft and in my awareness of what new aspects of my craft I want to work on for next semester.

My awareness of the challenges in my life is evidence of my closer connection to my intuition. I know that I don't have to be affected by what others are going through but allow them to have their journey and reflect on what triggers feelings in me are areas where I can release resistance in my own life. I am excited to see what is yet to unfold knowing that I can never go back so I can embrace what arrives now with joy!

Below is a little inspiration just to help me stay on track with where I want to keep going.

It also doesn't hurt to look again at the clip of Will's Wisdom.


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