Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lesson From Class

Okay, I have to say last night's acting class was the best one yet! No, I did not nail the scene but I discovered something crucial that I can now work on. My choices were on target but I had a real challenge getting myself to the emotional level needed at the top of the scene to carry me through to the point of tears by the end. I had my emotions going but the tears just did not flow.

Why? Well, I had to step back and accept that I have been shutdown emotionally for quite some time and have done a lot of stuffing doen of my feelings to get through the day to the point it became my new normal. When I wasn't acting, I didn't really notice I was working with anger, happiness or numbness and not much more. I am so so thankful for this revelation because now I can do something about it. Last night was the last "working" class of my group until 2010 so I will definitely be using my downtime working on emotional recall and affective memory exercises to get myself back in shape emotionally speaking for my career. I look forward to getting to the place in my acting when all of my emotions are at my disposal!!

I must say, I don't think this happened by accident or coincidence. The more I am working on creating the life i want, the more life is providing me with opportunities to grow toward my goals without any d-r-a-m-a  mixed into the process. Life truly is great when you let it!!       


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