Saturday, September 4, 2010

Olympia Dukakis, Annie Purcell to star in 'Elektra' at Getty Villa

Tonight, I am getting a healthy dose of "culture" as I check out Olympia Dukakis  in "Elektra" at the Getty Villa.

Visiting the "Villa" in Malibu is a treat in itself, but it is also the best place to see a performance of this fantastic Greek tragedy!

Olympia Dukakis, Annie Purcell to star in 'Elektra' at Getty Villa

Anti-Aging Skin Treatment Recipe #1: My Black Sesame-Coconut Milk Nightcap

I have decided to start documenting the homemade anti-aging skin treatments I plan to use either internally or externally. Since goal #1 is finding creative ways to incorporate more coconut into my day, lets start with a healthy and delicious coconut concoction  I actually enjoy drinking.

This one I am calling my "Black Sesame Coconut Milk Nightcap."

It is pretty simple, but first let's start with the basics.

Basic Coconut Milk Recipe
3 cans of Thai coconut milk
3 cups of cold water
2-3 tablespoons of Raw honey (optional)

Mix equal parts canned Thai coconut milk with water. I just open the can and refill it with ice cold water to wash out the remaining cream. Add raw honey for additional flavor. The canned coconut alone is too rich to drink without diluting it with water. The honey compensates for the watering down.

The only downside to using the canned Thai coconut milk is that it contains Potassium Metabisulphite as a preservative. I am not at the stage where I want to make the milk from boiling and cooling fresh grated coconut milk. That will come later.

Chill the new coconut milk in your refrigrator and you are good to go!

Black Sesame-Coconut Milk Nightcap Recipe
1 cup Coconut Milk (see Basic Coconut Milk Recipe above)
2 tablespoons ground black sesame seeds
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin coconut oil


Take your cup of coconut milk and simmer to a boil. In a regular coffee mug, mix your 2 tablespoons of ground black sesame seeds with 1 or 2 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil. Add warm milk and stir.

It is a great replacement for my sugar filled hot chocolate. The combination of ingredients gives you a creamy rich cup of warm nutrition. The additional extra virgin coconut oil helps me meet my daily intake of this healthy oil. Black sesame is rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, proteins and fatty acids while providing a tasty nutty flavor. If you can't buy the sesame seeds ground, use your coffee grinder.

I love this drink as it satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps me from reaching for a bag of oreos.

Remember, this is my own health concoction and works for me. Give it a shot, if you like. You might like it as well!

Friday, September 3, 2010

My Anti Aging Skin Treatment A.K.A. The Great Coconut Experiment

The other day, I was cleaning out the bathroom cabinet and discovered literally a garbage bag worth of half used cleansers, shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers etc. You name it I bought it in my never ending battle to stay as youthful as possible in the competitive environment of film and television.  I can guess I had a good thousand dollars bagged for the Monday morning trash pick up. I see it as a price of doing business. Besides who doesn't like to look good when they look in the mirror?

The problem is, after watching the documentary "Food Inc." I have been overly aware of how much consumer manipulation is involved in the selling of products in just about every industry.  As I stood in my bathroom I thought, if they don't mind manipulating the foods we eat, what corporation would think twice about scamming us on our national obsession with our appearance? If I can let go of the processed food merry-go -round, why not go as natural as possible with my grooming regime?

Now, as the face is essentially one of any actor's assets or impediments, so to speak, I need to be pretty committed to getting it to represent me in the best possible manner. So, as an actor what do I need?

Flawless glowing skin
Fewer wrinkles
Less under eye puffiness
Tighter, toned skin around the cheeks and jawline.

In other words, I need to look not just good but as amazing as I can!

So, I am going to go "au naturale," that is, no more money on "store bought wonder products" and make some homemade grooming products made from nature's bounty and my two little hands.

I have always been fascinated by articles on  plants, essential oils and exotic fruits that have had amazing effects on our bodies. However, I never seriously tried them when it seemed easier to just go to the store. Well, I guess I am ready to put nature and my own creativity to the test.

How I will do this will be an interesting little adventure, but hopefully it will produce some outstanding measurable anti-aging results!

What will I need?

1. Some sort of cleanser
2. A toner
3. A facial scrub
4. A facial mask
5. A moisturizer
6. A shampoo
7. a conditioner

At the present moment I know of five ingredients that will possibly be the base of my grooming regime and thus the 7 new homemade products I have yet to create. (#8 was going to be deodorant but I think I will stick with "store bought" deodorant thank you very much!:))

The Five Magic Ingredients are:
1. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
2. Aloe Vera (cut from my many houseplants)
3. Tea Tree Oil
4. Green Tea
5. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar  

These five guys have always held a special fascination for me. Now time to put my faith to the test!
In time I hope to be an expert on them as I will be using them internally and externally where applicable..
The leader of the group will be Coconut and Extra Virgin Coconut oil as I am making it a staple of my daily cooking. My goal to have the greatest impact possible by changing both what goes in and on my body. I will need to pick my mom's brain for some delicious recipes or simply get creative. Either way, I want the internal impact strong enough to have a visible effect upon my face and body from the inside out! Any external application from my homemade products will be a boost to the anti aging skin treatment I am undertaking but not the main source of any body transformation.
In my research I have found some amazing claims made regarding the healing properties of coconuts. I suppose I will have to seriously research the other four members of my team and report on them over time. However here are a few things i discovered about coconut and extra virgin coconut oil.

Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil:

  1. Coconut contains many health benefits due to its fiber, vitamins and nutritional content, it’s the oil that makes it a truly remarkable food and medicine. 
  2. Coconut oil is composed predominately of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). 
  3. MCFA do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and actually help to protect against heart disease. 
  4. MCFA help to lower the risk of both atherosclerosis and heart disease. . 
  5. Coconut oil contains high levels of antioxidants which help to protect the body from free radicals and prevent degenerative diseases and premature aging.
  6.  Coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial. It kills viruses that have a lipid (fatty) coating, such as:       
                      Hepatitis C                                                                                                                   
                      Mononucleosis. .

     7. It also kills the bacteria that cause:                                                                            
                     Sore Throats
                    Dental Cavities                                                                                                                  
                    Urinary tract infections                                                                                                         
                    Food Poisoning
      8.  It kills the fungus/yeast infections that cause:
                  Athlete's Foot                                                                                                                                                Ringworm
                  Jock Itch                                                                                                                                  
                  Diaper Rash

Other Extra Virgin Coconut oil Benefits:
  1. Boosts energy levels and endurance. 
  2. Aids in Weight Loss Increases
  3. Helps prevent wrinkles.
  4. Helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections
  5. It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for being antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and contains no trans fat
  6. Helps in improving the digestive system and absorption of fat soluble vitamins, minerals and amino acids thus prevents various stomach and digestion related problems including irritable bowel syndrome.
  7. Is one of the best natural nutrients for hair. It promotes healthy hair providing it with a shiny complexion.
  8. Regular massage of the scalp with coconut oil ensures that it is free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry.
  9. It acts as an excellent shampoo or conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged hair.
  10. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair.
  11. It acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skins including dry skin.
  12. It is anti-inflamatory: useful as a salve to speed healing of bruises, strains, and sore muscles.
  13. Strengthens a sluggish Thyroid, Liver and Kidney.

In time, I hope to see some dramatic results. However, I am patient and not looking for overnight miracles but long-term internal healing that will show my improved health from my glowing skin to my viseral fat free stomach- allowing my six pack to look like a six pack and not one big kegger!

When all is said and done, I know that this adventure will not only assist me in getting into optimum health but it will be one of the best investments I can make in my acting career.

Life Can Turn On A Dime

This morning my best friend learned that his 47 year old brother, an otherwise healthy man, died of a brain aneurysm quite suddenly.

I am in a bit of shock.

It reminds me of how precious the gift of life is. Life can turn on a dime. It seems like such a waste to spend time doing anything but living your life with as much joy as possible. 

Eat... Pray... Love...Again?

The Universe speaks, but are we listening?

After my recent "eye opener," it is little surprise that I would find a major "pull" from within to watch the recent Julia Roberts film "EAT PRAY LOVE." I simply knew I needed to see this movie. Initially, I asked friends to go and everyone said, hey it's a "chick flick."- even my female friends!

Undeterred I went alone, and it was like the movie was speaking to me. I am not one to cry at movies but it touched on something that let the tears flow, a longing for connection with Life and others on a deeper level or maybe for an experience of Love for myself and another that I have yet to experience. I don't know but, it came at just the right time.

I may not have my bags backed for a trip to Rome, India, or Bali, but I am definitely ready for the inner transformation. So, until I book my flight on Orbitz, I will start at home with a bit of meditation, continued appreciation for what I now have and focus on being more "SELF-centered" until my appetite for Life is as rich and vibrant as I want it to be.

In the words of Beyonce, I'm gonna "LISTEN to the song here in my heart...." Where it takes me will be where it takes me. 

Check out "Eat Pray Love"! You may find the Universe is speaking to you as well...

Riding "The Rapids" With My Eyes Wide Open!

I have not been blogging much lately, because well... I have been a little shell shocked by some of life's endless mysteries- human interaction. It would seem the Universe has been sending me lessons and in my best effort to ignore them, the Universe kept hammering away until I finally relented and asked "What the hell is all this about?"

What the hell is he talking about, you ask?

Lately, I have been working on embracing my life and creating the life I want to live. That has not been as easy as I imagined it would be. I had some strange yet ultimately wonderful realizations that gave me answers to those "dark night of the soul" questions we scream out to God when we want to blame someone other than ourselves for why life just isn't working as planned.

The first strange realization - I have been creating the experiences of my life, and they just weren't what I wanted. They were what I expected.  While I have gotten very clear on the life I want to be living,  I forgot that I can't make the changes I want until I seriously address the thinking that has gotten me to where I am now. I guess you could say I have been "thinking positive on the outside" but it hadn't penetrated the negative thinking that has rented space in my brain for years and was not interested in complying with my eviction notice. However, I am in it for the long haul, so, I must literally kill my old thoughts with kindness until they leave on their own.

How am I doing this?

Well, I am finally starting to understand the idea of appreciating what you have in the present moment because that is all we really have. I hadn't noticed, I have been so focused on defining my life by wanting things that have yet to come, I wasn't enjoying the things that had come. In essence, I am now learning to live in the moment.  It is actually quite enjoyable.

My mantra is "I am where I am and that's okay." It's a short little phrase but it has the powerful ability to quiet the negative self-talk's rant. Usually, I would get myself into this space of expecting good things to happen and then when they didn't or didn't appear as expected, that little nasty voice just kept saying "you're dreaming if you think you are something special." In other words, I never dealt with the ingrained negative inner voice so I default to the negative almost automatically. With this new understanding, I am becoming more conscious. In time, the tape will change. I know that we experience in our lives what we focus on. The trouble is when  we don't acknowledge our negative inclinations of thought, we cannot make the real life changes necessary to create the life we want for ourselves. So, this is where I am and that's okay because knowing what I need to work on gives me a concrete place from which to initiate change. 

My second strange realization - "Like really does attract like." So, in my journey of being more conscious in my own life, I have found that I have surrounded myself with friends who are "vibrating" on the same wave of thought that I am. Now, I have many friends and not all share my way of thinking towards the negative, but those I am most close to do. Is that a coincidence? I don't think so?

Actually, I never thought much about it until I tried living this new way of thinking with my friends. The end result, disaster- in the short term, so far. It unfortunately, took me a bit by surprise. As I consciously worked on speaking positively about situations happening in my life rather than focusing on the negative, I found unexpected resistance from my friends. From many as I spoke positively, they found it strange and something to make fun of, as if I were making a joke. Suddenly, we were no longer commiserating over each others shitty experiences. Hence topics quickly moved from what was going on with each of us to what problems they had. The conflict gained steam when the usual question of  "what do I do?" with this or that was met with anything other than "yeah you're right that sucks", boy did people get annoyed. I wasn't holding up my end of the "misery game" we got use to playing.

Suddenly, I was the "postive thinking nut" and they were keeping it real. On my end I was not wanting to focus on the negative which became harder to do when the habit has been to go negative. So, I felt alone, and sometimes silly in feeling mocked for wanting to be positive in a sea of negativity. The strange thing was the same conflict was arising with different friends who didn't even know each other. This should have been a red flag.

Eventually, after a very ugly class with a friend who wanted to use me as their object of abuse to vent their unhappiness, I myself grew amazingly angry as I was unable to stop the verbal attacking. I was so angry I stayed mad for days as I felt violated as lines had been crossed and I expected an apology and acknowledgement that I had been a victim.  It took me a good week to realize that I allowed myself to take on the role of "victim" and had such a need for others to validate my way of thinking that I did not see that no one has the power to affect you unless you give it to them. I also realized that I became uncomfortable in situations with close friends because I was wanting them to validate that my thinking was right but I didn't truly believe it myself. If I had, then no amount of negative talk from others would trigger annoyance in me. It was like the Universe held up a neon sign saying, "Deal with your own crap and stop waiting for others to give you permission to live." 

Wow, that was a serious wake up call. Again, until I deal with the negative voice inside, no real change can take root. Two different areas, two major lessons on the same subject.

No one said taking responsibility for the life you create was gonna be a piece of cake. However, the benefits definitely outweigh remaining hostage to one's past and the thinking it engendered.

So, I am navigating the waters of life with a better toolkit to fix what needs to be fixed as I go. Who would have thought "positive thinking" actually required conscious work to actually be useful?

That's okay. It is always better to ride the rapids with your eyes opened rather than closed. It makes the adventure all the sweeter.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Benefits of Coconut Consumption

For those of you interested in starting to investigate some of the benefits of increasing your consumption of fresh coconuts and extra virgin coconut oil, I found this youtube clip created by psychetruth who talks about many of the things I found in my own investigation all in one clip. Hope you find it useful. Enjoy!  

"Coo coo" for Coconuts!

I am not a dieter. Simply put... I enjoy food! I hoped to make a shift to a vegan lifestyle, then opted for a less rigid vegetarian regime until I realized that I enjoy fish, all forms of seafood actually and the occasional dish of red meat. However, with a goal of moving from 210 lbs to the ideal body weight somewhere in the 170's, what is a food lover suppose to do?

Try eating unrefined virgin coconut in as many forms as possible.

I have over the past few months have been seriously looking at my food issues since I trained and ran the 2010 LA marathon and literally saw no difference in my weight. Why? Well, despite the fact that I ran a significant amount of 2009 in preparation for the big event, my eating habits were terrible. I rarely ate fresh fruits and vegetables in their raw or cooked states. In fact the majority of my food consumption was of the processed variety. I bought into the marketing madness of the "nutrition" of these foods when in actuality my body was not reflecting this fictional "nutrition".

So, I swung completely into attempting my above mentioned switch to vegan/vegetarian living but the shock was so extreme that my taste buds could not adapt and craved the junk of processed foods. Then I came across some research on the benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut oil and coconuts. Realizing, I grew up eating a lot of coconuts, coconut milk and coconut oil on a regular basis, I thought it wouldn't hurt to "return home" so to speak. It is funny how you can make changes going into adulthood that you never realize the ramifications of until years down the road.

Starting about a month ago, I decided to not adopt any diet whatsoever. The only change I made was to reincorporate my childhood eating habits, instilled in me by my mother's own cooking style, by cooking with extra virgin coconut oil instead of olive oil, adding both types of fresh coconut into my food consumption, as well as adding coconut cream to cooking and drinking coconut milk on a daily basis. Aside from that, I made no conscious effort to change what I ate.

To my surprise, these simple additions profoundly affected my taste buds and increased my enjoyment of stir fried fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and a wide range of fresh seafood. Without consciously trying, processed foods dropped off my shopping list. I stopped craving sweets, but allow myself to enjoy an occasional chocolate cannolli in place of my regular munching of snickers bars and kitkats. Have you ever actually read the ingredients in those things?

I will admit, watching "Food Inc." has forced me to drop the eating of any foods that contain corn and corn by-products, not for dietary reasons as much as a protest against corporate manipulation of our food industry. This protest while at first difficult became completely a non-issue since incorporating coconut back into my life.

I will be honest, I never thought I could let go of my addition to junk food until now because the cravings just went away. "Resisting" which is always the biggest hurdle to overcome when dieting is not an issue for me. If I want to eat something I eat it. However, the impulse for filling my sweet tooth with junk has been replaced with finding a new exotic fruit to try or a nice cannolli made at a neighborhood Italian deli. Yes, it may not be a healthy choice but it is an indulgence and not a habit.

In the end, I have found this subtle lifestyle change has brought so many benefits, I see no reason to ever think of dieting again. Without exercising other than my regular runs, I have moved toward my goal weight, effortlessly, to my current weight of 186lbs. I trust I will be at my ideal weight of the 170's  in no time as I get back to the gym.

There is something to the medium chain fatty acids that makes the saturated fat coconuts are known for actually good for you. I will encourage everyone who is interested to do your own research. It works for me and that is all I am able to confirm. I am no scientist or wacky health nut. I am just getting back to my roots and finally appreciating my mother for building in me a love of all things coconut that I am once again embracing to my delight and nutritional benefit!  .Life is good.Thanks, Mom!!
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