Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Okay, it has been a minute since Ricky Martin came out of the closet and announced to the world on his official website that he is a proud gay man. I have to give the man RESPECT for coming out on his own terms, at his own time. Yes, he is not curing cancer with this news but believe it or not he's making a difference in the lives of many with this revelation.

The truth is, it is also just simply REFRESHING to have someone in the public eye coming out with a sense of pride and joy, living life in as healthy a way as possible. Unfortunately there are way too many stories of men in prominent positions being discovered in some amazingly compromising situations, basically playing out the dysfunction of their repression on the public stage.  I use to get disgusted by this. Now, I just feel sadness for these men. More importantly I feel for the wives. Too often these ladies have been blindsided by husbands who were so frightened to accept themselves that they dragged these women into a life that was doomed to blow up in everyone's faces.  I have always believed that your sexuality is your own business. However, I have a hard time wrapping my brain around a man needing to hide from his sexuality so much that he will use a woman as "cover".  Yes, there may be a genuine love at play but, if you are attracted to men, for goodness sake don't marry a woman! It just is not right! At the very least, tell her the truth and she can make an informed decision. What a hot mess those situations are!

For this reason Ricky Martin deserves a shout out for being true to himself!! Life as a gay man does not have to read like a tragic tale of deceit and depravity. His honesty and choice to be open on his own terms says "Hey it is okay to be gay and happy."

We all have our own journey to take. Why not make it as joyful an experince as you can?

Enjoy your life, Ricky!! Looking forward to the memoir.


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