Friday, October 23, 2009


In my exploration of this newly ignited interest applying the Law of Attraction to my life, I have run across on various websites, explanations of the Seven Universal, or Cosmic or Natural Laws that affects all people and all things without exception. So, if I am applying one Law into my life it makes sense I work with them all.

With that in mine I have decided to post this to keep them a more present part of my awareness. I think I want to become more of a student of the Universe and start flowing "downstream" instead of struggling to swim upstream against the currents of life. I am SO ready to start creating "new stories" and let the old ones go for good!  


1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Energy moves into physical form.

The images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life.

2. The Law of Relativity

Nothing is good or bad, big or small… until you RELATE it to something else.

Practice relating your situation to something much worse and yours will always look good.

3. The Law of Vibration (The basis of The Law of Attraction)

Everything vibrates, nothing rests.

Conscious awareness of vibration is called feeling. Your thoughts control your paradigms (your perception of yourself) and your vibration (which dictates what you attract).

When you are not feeling good, become aware of what you are thinking, and then think of something pleasant.

4. The Law of Polarity

Everything has an opposite: Hot-Cold…Up-Down…Good-Bad…Inside-Outside.

Constantly look for the good in people and situations. When you find it, tell the person. People love compliments and the positive idea in your mind makes you feel good. Remember, good idea-good vibration.

5. The Law of Rhythm

The tide goes out…night follows day…good times-bad times.

When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming - think of them.

6. The Law of Cause and Effect

Whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action…re-action are equal and opposite.

Say good things to everyone; treat everyone with total respect and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just concentrate on what you can give.

7. The Law of Gender

Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results.

Your goals will manifest when the time is right. Know they will.


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