Monday, March 22, 2010

I'M ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I DID IT! I had an amazing time yesterday running through the city in the Los Angeles Marathon.  Now, it wasn't all a lovefest I can assure you but I definitely had fun and learned a lot. The run started with hills and they never seemed to end!

There is definitely an energy that comes with over 25,000 people running together through the city streets. I had to fight the natural impulse to get sucked into the excitement of the moment. I was pretty good at setting my own pace but it was definitely a challenge. For the first hour or so I was kicking myself for not pushing myself in my training as much as I could. I knew that this town is full of hills but somehow I rationalized putting off doing hill work as often as possible. BIG mistake. Well, what's done is done. No amount of browbeating was going to make a difference so I reminded myself I am here to have fun not come in first place.

The neighborhoods were amazing to see and the smells of food cooking from the endless supply of restaurants and cafes along the route made it easy to forget about running and be present in my environment. However, I was overwhelmed by the incredible amount of support and encouragement of total strangers who cheered us all on. Having my name on my bib made it so much more personal when spectators screamed my name congratulating me for running as far as I did and lifting me up when I visibly looked like I had no more energy to run.  I cannot tell you how much that meant to me.

After living here for about 20 years, I felt the sense of community I took for granted growing up in Philadelphia. In Philly we had block parties and neighbors were like distant relatives who on some level shared in the fabric of your life. In Los Angeles, my neighbors are all cordial but we all live in our own boxes with little actual interaction. I guess I grew use to it as the by-product of a car dominated city. I firmly believe that a city with a thriving public transportation system is a city where folks feel more connected.  Let's face it you get on a subway or bus 5 days out of the week with the same faces, eventually you will start feeling comfortable enough to talk and share your opinions on just about anything. Hey, even if my theory is wrong, I felt like I had neighbors cheering me all the way to the very end.

Now I can't go any further without sending out a special cosmic thank you to Mariah Carey and Tony Robbins who filled my ipod with hours of motivation and musical inspiration to get me through miles 9 to 26.  Reality check. No matter how great the experience is mentally, physically at some point your body wants to just get home and sleep.

I intentionally didn't rush to announce it took me me roughly 7 hours and 39 minutes. The fact is I was not happy with my running time.  I was doing okay for a good while, and was happy to come in some between 5 and 6 hours or so. I was happy as I moved through my fear of the mile 13 meltdown of the past. Mile 13 NO PROBLEM. Mile 16 not much fun. While I had no medical emergencies lurking within, I definitely had my share of leg cramps and muscle spasms for the remaining 10 miles. Slowly, I had to run less and walk more. By mile 24, I simply wanted to be DONE. I felt like I was in HELL with no way to escape.

After hours on my feet, the most amazing feeling has sitting in the comfortable passenger seat of my friend Larissa's car as she drove me home through the crowded streets. The second best feeling was the taste of a pepperoni and mushroom pizza I devoured at my favorite neighborhood pizzeria- DINO'S.

Last night after stretching and a very hot bath, I was fast asleep by 8 pm.  Best night sleep ever!! Today I feel almost human. No pain just stiffness that seems to show itself whenever I get up and move anywhere. 

It's all good. I just want to be back in shape so I can start training again for next year's marathon. Learning from this year's training mistakes, I look forward to pushing myself harder and making improvements for the 2011 run.  By March of 2011, I will be the master of every hill in town!


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