Friday, March 19, 2010

Tumbling Into Wonderland...

I consider myself a relative newcomer to this whole blogging thing. My purpose was to use it as an online journal of sorts, allowing myself to face my own thoughts, shape my destiny, if you will, and force myself to confront my demons and create the life I wish to live as fully as possible.

I love words. I love mythology and I love the notion of life as a heroic journey of discovery. Well.., now I find myself at yet another fork in the road. Actually, I think it would be more accurate to say I am at the other end of the rabbit hole, taking my first look at Wonderland!

When I set up this blog, I signed up with one or two blog sites or directories or whatever they are called and proceeded to get on with simply writing. Then, following my intuition as I am once again learning to embrace, I decided to revisit those blog directories and take a second look. I discovered there were many a group that covers just about every type of blogger that is out there- from gay activists to spiritual seekers to online entrepeneurs. You name it, it is out there. So I clicked around from one group to another and joined a few groups I found interesting. In short order I found myself in communication with literally people from around the globe. Suddenly folks were checking out my blog and a few even joined as followers.

Along the way, I found an endless array of stories, articles and interesting photography from blogs I never would have stumbled upon on my own. Hours passed as I traveled the wonderous landscape of the logosphere and I barely scratched the surface.

At times I felt like a lone traveler walking with only a flask of water while everyone else sped by in gravity defying hovercrafts. I have become painfully aware of just how little I know about this new world and how much there is to learn. There are widgets and gadgets and monetization devices. There is blog lingo and blog etiquette that I have yet to master. And all of this is completely separate from simply writing my own thoughts down on the little patch of cyberland I call home. Phew! I thought Facebook was overwhelming!

I do feel a little like Orpheus traveling into the underworld to rescue his lover, Eurydice. As long as I don't look back I can find my way back home and not be lost in the mists of Hades forever.

It is all so exciting and intimidating at the same time. But I am sure I will find my way as so many others have before me. My hero's journey has led me on this path and where it takes me nobody knows.... I have long been a solitary traveler so what stands before me will definitely be moving me out of my comfort zone. Yet, somehow I sense a joyous adventure lies ahead!

Only the Fates know for certain.


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